Of course, you want the lowest auto insurance premiums you can get. Who doesn’t? But the cheapest auto insurance rate, while good for your wallet, may not be the best when it comes to protecting you. Here are some reasons why the cheapest car insurance may not be the best:
Category: Insurance Agent, Claims, Rideshare, Insurance Coverage, Auto Insurance
Category: Insurance Agent, Insurance Coverage, Independent Insurance Agent
There are two types of agents that sell insurance policies: captive and independent. A surprising number of consumers aren’t familiar with these terms or what they mean.
Category: Insurance Agent, Best Insurance Companies
Is your insurance agent or company not what you thought it would be? It's hard to know the integrity of an insurance agent until you need them - and by then it could be too late.
Category: Insurance Agent, Insurance Claims
It's always been a part of our culture to help our clients during the claims process. In fact, even when I was with another agency, before I started with our independent agency, we helped our clients with the claims process. I was recently shocked to find out that most other insurance aren't involved in the claims process at all!