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What to Consider When Getting an Auto Insurance Quote

Category: Vehicle-Related Injuries, Life Insurance, Auto Insurance, auto insurance quote

These days, an agency that doesn’t offer a free car insurance quote online is in the minority. But just because it’s easy and free to get a quote doesn’t mean you’re getting the best quote. And it definitely doesn’t guarantee you’ll be saving money.


What Causes Your Insurance Premium to Go Up?

Category: Insurance Coverage, Insurance Premiums

It can be so frustrating to open your insurance bill to pay your premium, only to learn that your premium payments have increased on renewal. Unfortunately, rising insurance premium costs are a reality that cannot be avoided in the world of personal and business insurance.


Your Vacant Property Insurance Probably Has The Wrong Coverage

Category: Insurance Coverage, Vacant Property, Investment Property Insurance

It’s not widespread knowledge, but vacant property has different insurance requirements than owner or renter-occupied property. Unfortunately, rental property owners and house flippers usually find this out for the first time after having claims rejected by their insurance company.


Is Your Boat Insurance Adequate?

Category: Boat, boat insurance

Even though you probably bought your boat more for fun than for function, it's still important to have adequate insurance coverage on your boat, just like you need on the car you drive to work every day. Your driver's record follows you when you're driving a boat, and you're taking the same level of risk on the water as you are on a highway.


What To Do When Your Home Has Been Damaged by a Storm

Category: Home, Damage

Storm season is approaching in Oklahoma and it’s a good time to prepare for the bad weather that rolls through our state. Part of being prepared means thinking ahead and having an action plan in case something unfortunate does happen.


4 Ways To Lower Worker’s Comp Premiums In The Restaurant Industry

Category: Business Insurance, Workers Comp Insurance, workers comp premium

Protecting your restaurant against worker’s comp claims was a good investment. Not only does it give your employees assurance that they’re protected in case of an accident, but it also gives you peace of mind about the sustainability of your business should something unfortunate occur.


The Differences Between Landlord Insurance And Homeowner's Insurance

Category: Landlord Insurance, Homeowner's Insurance, Investment Property Insurance

Did you know if you’re renting your home out, it might not be covered by homeowner's insurance?


Why You Need Property Management Insurance?

Category: Property Management, Investment Property Insurance

It’s not uncommon for someone who owns several rental properties to form a management company to oversee their properties. There are a few different benefits for tax purposes. However, a lot of them do not purchase insurance for those management companies.


Why Property Insurance Premiums Go Up Every Year

Category: Insurance Premiums

It can be frustrating seeing your insurance bill increase year-to-year. That frustration can sometimes lead people to shop around for new insurance, but there are several good reasons why insurance premiums increase.


Restaurant Insurance Can Increase Profits

Category: Business Insurance, restaurant insurance

Ever heard how difficult it is to get into the restaurant business and keep your doors open? Rates are often inflated for shock value, but this frequently cited study by Ohio State University pegs the percentage of restaurants that fail within the first year at 26%, and at 60% within 3 years.